RIP Donald Sutherland – My Remembrances
While Donald Sutherland will be remembered for a wide range of roles in such iconic movies as MASH, The Hunger Games, Ordinary People and numerous other excellent films, in my book it is for Outbreak.
Outbreak was a futuristic themed movie that happened in the present day of 1995 about doctors finding a cure for the rapid spread of a disease transported from Africa to a small California town.
Released on Friday, March 10, 1995, I saw the movie that weekend and recall being thrilled by the drama as it unfolded. Looking back it all seemed too real and reminded me that something like that could happen again.
It was on Monday, March 13, 1995 that I boarded an early flight to Toronto from LAX and coincidentally my seat assignment was next to Mr. Sutherland who was flying home to Montreal through Toronto.
Those who know me understand that certainly then, and to an extent to the current day, that I follow box office, having once been responsible for tracking it at one of the major studios.
And not being bashful, I struck up a conversation with Mr. Sutherland about the weekend’s haul and its prospects for the following weekends and in international release.
Website The Numbers lists Outbreak as having achieved $68 million domestically and $122 million internationally for a total theatrical box office of $190 million. And that is before the additional revenue that would be derived from home video, cable, network and a long life in syndication.
That total was very respectable then and even more respectable today, whether one adjusts for the current dollar value of not.
Instead of being aloof as one might expect from someone of his stature and fame, Donald Sutherland engaged me in conversation about the movie, the box office, etc. At times during the flight he initiated conversation.
Mr. Sutherland and I also discussed our respective new pocket electronic organizers. I had purchased a Psion on December 31, 1994 with the intent to phase out completely my paper organizer within 30 days, which I achieved.
He was the owner of a Palm Pilot.
We traded with each other to inspect our respective devices and discussed the pros and cons of each.
The Palm Pilot included a small stylus, which somehow I managed to drop on the floor of the airplane as I handed it back to him, never to be seen again, unfortunately.
Outbreak also starred Dustin Hoffman and Rene Russo. Coincidentally, Ms. Russo’s then recent ex-husband was a co-worker of mine at that time.
It’s not often that many of us get to meet many celebrities, but when we do, we tend to remember them clearly, just as I do Donald Sutherland.
While the phrase Goodbye, Farewell and Amen came from the historic final episode of the MASH TV show which did not include Mr. Sutherland, it is a phrase that is both fitting and proper.
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen, Donald Sutherland. RIP.