April 2015
Strategies - the Future of Multi-Platform Branding - From Theatrical to
Video, TV, Mobile and 360 degrees
A fundamental strategy of all Hollywood originated
content in the world of 2015 is multi-platform distribution.
In some cases, the productions, movies and TV shows are released
in a linear, sequential windows fashion, and others have simultaneous
release schedules.
In all cases the studios and broadcasters seek to
exploit the content to the widest possible audience across a wide array
of devices, content formats and delivery technologies and platforms for
the longest time possible on a global level, taking advantage of the
long tail.
Our distinguished panel is uniquely qualified to
provide deep insight into the many strategies and tactics that form the
basis for content development decisions and in turn release schedules,
1st and 2nd screen technologies and other related methodologies and
We’ll look at how those strategies have evolved in
recent years and will also take a close look at how those will impact
content of all kinds into the future.
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